Delivery Dude

Delivery Management Made Easier

With highly effective and efficient automation plans, operation scaling system, real time tracking and delivery route optimisation, delivery management is easier then ever before.

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Our awesome services

Best facilities we offer

Enterprise Delivery Management System

Delivery Management Software for Enterprises, empowers enterprises to win in this customer-centric era, with optimised routes & automation.

Automated Dispatch

Up to 100% auto allocation, integrated customer and driver apps and more. Reduce dead mileage. Increase number of jobs. Increase efficiency & grow your business.

Real-time Carrier & Task Tracking

Tracking system, also known as a locating system, is used for live tracking or objects on the move.

SMS Gateways

An SMS gateway or MMS gateway allows a computer to send or receive text messages, in the form of short responses.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are small pop-up messages sent to a user’s device by a mobile app that appear even when the app isn't open.

Open API For Developers

Open APIs are published on the internet and shared freely, allowing the owner of a network-accessible service to have universal access to consumers.

Don’t just engage, make it engaging.

Create stunning, effective sales documents with custom base designed themes, templates, embedded with rich media. It’s easy to create and send professional-looking documents that can be a win.

Workflow that works for your benefit.

Give your team the ability to quickly create, send, and track documents within an approval system that works for everyone.

Our awesome features

Our features help improve business

Sales teams use PandaDoc to improve workflow, insights, and speed while delivering an amazing buying experience. Get your deliveries out the door fast to keep deals.

Smart route

The feature of route optimisation helps in offering smart and optimized directions to the agents and delivery staff, helping in faster and efficient delivery.

Proof of delivery

As a proof of successful delivery, the agents may collect images or signature, as checked in and set by the admin.

Plan delivery

As soon as the task notifications are received by the agents, they can either start or cancel the task.

Delivery dude use the tool you love

Say goodbye to manual data entry. Integrate with the tools you depend on so your team can get proposals, contracts and quotes out the door fast.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have some FAQ

You can create an account by signing up using this link Click here After having sign up process completed, you need to verify the account details with the verification code sent to your contact number and email account.
Click Forgot password button, you will be asked to enter email address where verification code will be sent. You can reset the password by entering the verification code sent to your email address.
When you enter wrong password details for five consecutive times, the account will be blocked automatically. Just wait for 30 minutes to get the account unblocked automatically or you need to click the forgot password button and follow the process mentioned in FAQ No.2.
Go to carriers’ button in side bar menu and then click “+” button. Enter the relevant fields, temporary password and then click ‘add carrier’. An email will be sent to the carrier notifying the username and password.
Click task button in side bar menu and then click “+” button, a window will pop-up asking details such as pick up from, deliver to and task detail. Enter relevant details, the task will be added.
Click task button in side bar menu and then click “+” button, a window will pop-up asking details such as pick up from, deliver to and task detail. Enter relevant details, the task will be added.
To subscribe a plan, choose from the four plans available in pricing plan menu i.e. Free, Professional, Professional Plus and Premium Plus by clicking ‘Select Plan’ button. You will be charged as per the relevant plan upon clicking the ‘select plan’ button and an email will be sent to your registered email address with the invoice mentioning the all details of the amount charged.
You can change the plan at any time by choosing from the available plans and you will charged accordingly.

Our best pricing offer!